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.Thursday, October 29, 2009 ' 6:49 AM Y

Ok, this week is the last week of school. Tomorrow is the last day of school. Monday to Thursday(which is today), we had our SIG (Sports Interest Group)... ARCHERY... Pictures are on Facebook. Lazy to put them up here :) HAHAHA!!!

Anyways, today, the 2010 Year 1s came and watch our modern class. We did a new step called pleading. Ms Yong wants us to practice before we do it next year. My core was vibrating like mad... hahahah!!! Thank goodness the came in only after pleading.. :P After modern, we only had 1 hr to put on make-up, costume and tie our hair before the Dance Showcase Encore started. Next year Year 1s and their parents watched our performance. AND IT WAS THE WORST PERFORMANCE EVER!
2) I LANDED ON MY TOE FROM A JUMP :( can't walk properly now...

Hopefully, tomorrow's performance would be much better. IF YOU'RE WATCHING TOMORROW, I'M REALLY SORRY IF I MAKE A MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WOULD DEFINITELY BE A BETTER SHOW THAN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gtg and sleep now :P


Val :D

.Saturday, October 24, 2009 ' 6:19 PM Y

I am so freaking sorry I haven't been blogging for sooooooooooooooooooooooo long... Seriously, I cannot be bothered with my blog anymore and with all the EOYs but now that EOYs are over I'm so bored... We've been getting back our results for the past 2 days, Thurs and Fri....

Monday 19-Oct-09:
Holiday, went out with Sera to watch Fame at Cineleisure. We ate frolick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yummy :D Then, after the movie, we went to ION. We went to Muji and Art Box. I bought a file, pen and pencil and an eraser. The eraser is for my sis btw. It was sooooooooo awesome!!! haha!!! Miss ya Sera! Meet up again yeah? oh and Reena, you better be free the next time :)

Tuesday 20-Oct-09:
We had PE tournaments, Finals. My team did not qualify for quarter-finals :( sad... But R2B qualified and played really well!!!! They were fantastically awesome! Though you guys did not get into the finals, you guys still won R5(i think) and got 3rd place!!! WELL DONE GUYS! YOU DID GREAT!!! Then we had lunch. A reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyyy long lunch....... After lunch, we went to the hall for Mother Tongue paper checking. Apparently I beat Nat Tan and Amanda, FOR ONCE!!! But i got 1 mark lower than Li Xia... But still, I got second in class!! WWWWWWHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Then we had SAC Presentation setup. Bridget, Cherin and I went up to class to take a look at Puddi and OMG... He was really skinny and had cuts on his back. His medicine had expired and no one fed him medicine. He was left in class for 2 weeks. With limited ventilation... Poor Puddi. I don't think it'll survive it'll next year. Oh! And we got back our results for Anatomy. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am so happy with my results!!! :D Term 3 lindsey, sissy and i did really well. It'll pull up my Anatomy marks i got in term 4. :)

Wednesday 21-Oct-09:
We had SAC Presentation in the morning after morning assembly at 9. Year 1s were in Tabula while Year 2s and 3s were in the Hall. After presentation, we had break, then SAC briefing in the Hall for next year. We then went around the hall and viewed the Year 2s & 3s SAC project. The teachers then asked us questions, Apparently, Murphy and Marcel had to write an essay hahaha!!! The SAC gallery walk ended early. We had to wait until 12.45pm before we could leave school. We went to our favourite spot, the staircase. haha... We sat there and gossip for 1 hr before we left to plaza sing. We ate at Just Asia... And I don't want to elaborate further, you want to know, ask Amanda or Sissy or Cherin or Mar or Li Xia or MinYing or Nat Tan or Clare or Joyce... Then went Made with Love and bought materials for some stuff...

Thursday 22-Oct-09:
Today, we got back out IHSS, Lit and ARC results. I'm very disappointed with my ARC. My results for IHSS and Lit was okok only... First time ever, most people from our clique cried for JC, seeing other guys comforting JC and um.. Marcel, I don't think the thing you did was necessary..., see most Year 1 gathering about JC. He studied really hard but he still did not make it. JC DON'T WORRY!!! YOU'LL NOT TRANSFER! THINK POSITIVELY!!! R2 WILL BE THERE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!! R2 WILL BE VERY QUIET WITHOUT YOU NEXT YEAR!!!! DON'T WORRY!!! After that, we had lunch. Then we went to Fred for some video viewing thing but there was no viewing. Yeah, weird right? Then we had free time all the way till 5.15pm. We then had ballet class with Ms Lau :D After ballet, we had Blossom Rehearsal with Speed in Martha.

Friday 23-Oct-09:
We had paper checking for Sci, Maths and Art form.. I'm so disappointed with my Maths and Sci results. SERIOUSLY. I could have done waaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better for Maths :( GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok......... right. Enough shouting. haha. Because we already checked our paper for Anatomy on Tuesday, We had free time from 1015 am - 315pm.. =.= so long right? We did a quick blossom rehearsal with only like 4 people. Then spent the rest of the time in Martha practicing ballet :D until 1.30pm, when the year 2s and 3s had class. We watched Coppelia by Paris Opera Ballet. All the way, until 3 pm. We then went down to Anna and waited for our turn to go in for class. We had a guest teacher. Then, we had Blossom rehearsal for half an hour. Then at 6.30pm, we left school for VOID. VOID was awesome!!! :D Bramina, Sissy and I sat on the second row because it was free seating in the Theatre Studio (something like that. It was really small). Um... yeah, apparently, 3 SDT dancers and Ms Clarke was seating behind us. VOID was mostly about like the negative part of life, like the global pandemics, cruelty, etc. And there was a Q&A session at the end of the show. It was fantastic to watch Mr Lee and Ms Yong dance, together with all the other dancers.

Next week, were going to have our Sports Interest Groups. Mine's Archery :D We;ll have class photo-taking, and I kinda forgot the timings... Oh well, i think Nat Tan remember :) AND I CANNOT WAIT FOR MONDAY! WE'RE WATCHING "A Evening with Paloma Herrera" AND WE CAN GET THEIR AUTOGRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we'll also be having a Dance Showcase Encore on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, the new Year 1s who will be coming in next year is going to watch us, so we have to be in shape. On Friday, Ms Goh Soo Khim and Mr Janek Schergen will be watching our performance. There will also be other guests. We'll have to do our best during the performance!!! And pay attention during rehearsals with Ms Yong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D ok, My arm is aching now :) haha!

Val :)

.Thursday, June 11, 2009 ' 1:34 AM Y

Stupid h1n1..... now the performance is pushed back to 26-28 august..... Also, Blossom is performing at SCGS on the 10 August for some Dance Gala thing. I cannot wait to perform Blossom!!!!!!!!!! Must come and watch the dance showcase on the 26-28 august!!!!

.Tuesday, June 9, 2009 ' 2:06 AM Y

Hey guys! I haven't been blogging for a longgggggggg time and it is dead(Ryan!!!) and blahblahblah............ I have been coming home late everyday and so it explains the dead blog...

Anyway, on the 8, 9, 10 July, the Year 1, 2 and 3 dancers will be performing. Yupp, my frist ever performance in SOTA and I CANNOT wait...... We're having alot of rehearsals lately and I have bruises on my knee and feet. We're dancing barefooted for the dance, it is modern. But not as many bruises as my other classmates. Lucky me, I must say!!!!!! My teacher will always video us doing our dance at the end of the rehearsal so that we can compare it with the past rehearsals that we did. And I must say, it is wayyyyyyyy better than the other few rehearsals we had. You guys HAVE TO come and watch. The tickets have to be purchased online though. I do not know the website yet. But when I do, I will post it up here and you guys can buy the tickets, if you want to go and watch. Tell me if you are going to watch!!!!


.Friday, April 17, 2009 ' 3:33 AM Y

NAPFA was soooooooooo not challenging at all... Except for pull up:( I got 28/30, same as Marissa!! Hi-Five!!!! I'm sooooo happy that I actually beat all the guys in my class. And R2 is second among the 7 classes' total score, right behind R4. Hopefully we can remain at this rank!!!

Thanks to Ryan, Pockerface by Lady GaGa is stuck in my head. Thanks alot Ryan... Speaking of Ryan, I have 2 pictures of Ryan wearing Jia Cheng's PINK hairband. Jia Cheng, Ryan, Byron and Justin wore the PINK Hairband. FYI, Jia Cheng, Byron and Justin likes, no wait, make that LOVE PINK!!! So gay!!!

We had SAC today. About plastic bags. With Mr Lai and Ms Lim(Mrs Jae). Woo-Hoo!!!

.Friday, April 10, 2009 ' 7:34 PM Y

Camp ended like on the 3rd of April and I'm only posting about camp now because I have nothing else to blog about... Camp SPQR rocked!!!!!!!! We were like Roman Senates and on our camp packing list we had a "letter" from Caesar. This is how the letter goes,

Dear Loyal Citizen of Rome,
The Senate is raising 7 new legions in Rome's Latest campaign to subdue the southern rebels. The Emperor Caesar has need of your service and Rome had need of your youth.

Under the law governing you Roman Citizenship, you are to enlist and report for SOTA CAMP SPQR Legionnaires Camp on Tuesday 31st March 2009 at 0800 hrs.

Your period of service will e until Friday 3rd April 2009 by 1300 hrs.

Included with this enlistment letter is a list of items you have to prepare to attend the camp.

By Order of The Senate,

Hail Caesar!

Day 1
Report to school at the same time. Camp opening by Miss Wang. Then we had sporks provided by the school(spoons and fork on one utencil) and BREAKFAST! After breakfast, we went to the field to pitch tent, where we will be sleeping for 2 nights. After pitching tents, we had foot drill where we have to sit cross legged with our hands on our knees and not moving for 10 minutes. It's not as easy as it sounds.......... Then a one hour lunch. After 1 hour of delicious lunch, r1 and r2 shared the courtyard to create our own group (alpha, sigma, omega) flag and cheer. Then, we had to create a class cheer! We had to present our flags in the hall afterwards. After presentation, we had knots and lashings then dinner.... woo-hoo! We had night walk after dinner. It was fun! We were blind-folded by trash bags and had to walk all around the school. We had a talk about The Rise and Fall or the Romans, then we had a briefing about the next day's hike to Kallang Basin for Dragon Boating. Then supper:) Bathe:) And Lights out!!! Apparently, we only had 1 hour of sleep thanks to the guys who played basketball at 3am in the morning!!!!!!!!

Day 2
Morning washup, breakfast, Campfire performance preparation, gather at the hall, then hike to Kallang Basin. The hike was 3 km long!!! Then we had Dragon Boating. We had a water war!!! Whenever another boat passes by our boat, we will splash water at them. Then, we had a Dragon Boating race! Guess what?! Yes!!!! R2 won!!!!!!! woo-hoo!!! We rock! AFter dragon boating, had a hike back to school whch seems shorter than before. After the hike back, we had camp cooking, which is our dinner. We had supper, washup and lights out. Thank goodness the guys had punishment, and that night was so peaceful.

Day 3
Morning washup, breakfast, class mentor time with Ms Wang, we had team intiative games!!! Our class finished the earliest. Then we had shield drill, lunch , then Sword drill and finally foot drill. Dinner! Campfire performance!!! R2 rocked the stage! Washup and we slept in the hall! With air-con!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Ohh and btw, foot drill was tiring... and little scary with all the insturctors being very hard on us...

Day 4
Morning washup, breakfast, gather at the amphitheatre after breakfast for a briefing about building a rope bridge. We took two hours to build a rope bridge, after that we had class mentor time, then area cleaning, where r2 had to clean bird shits off the boy's tent. then we had the passing out ceremony where miss koh, the overall teacher in-charge of the camp, gave us test tubes filled with salt of SOTA colours! Then we got our valuables back and is HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!

I still miss camp.... It's soooooooooooooooooooo fun..... We took group photos but I'm using another com so can't post it up right now:) Camp, R2, R2 Omega, SOTA rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


.Thursday, April 9, 2009 ' 8:54 PM Y

1. Are you single - Yeah
2. Are you happy - Yeah
3. Are you bored - Sorta
4. Are you fair - like skin colour or fair literally?
5. Are you Italian - Nope
6. Are you intelligent - Maybe
7. Are you honest - Errrr.... Sometimes I guess?
8. Are you nice - Maybe;D
9. Are you Irish - No
10. Are you Asian - Yupp:)
1. Full Name : Valerine Soh
2. Nicknames : Val
3. Birth Place : Singapore(DUH!)
4. Hair Colour : Black, but brown under light...
5. Natural hair style : Semi-wave when I was young. Now straight:(
6. Eye colour : Brown
7. Birthday : 23 April!!!
8. Mood : .... Dono...
9. Favourite colour : Lavender, Gold
10. One favourite place you like to visit : Erm............. The Royal Ballet School, England.
1.Have you been in love - Maybe
2.Do you believe in love at the first sight - Er.... Yes, I guess?
3.Do you currently have a crush - Maybe
4.Have you ever been hurt emotionally - No
5.Have you ever broken someone heart - No
6.Have you ever had your heart broken - No
7.Have you ever liked someone but never tell them - Maybe...
8.Are you afraid you Commitment - ???
9.Who was the last person you hug - Bramina
10.Who was the last person you said i love you to - Erm.... Can't remember...
1.Love or lust : Erm.... Depends...
2.Hard liquor or beer : None.
3. Cats or dogs : Dogs :D
4. A few best friends or any regular friends : Best friends.
5.Creamy or Cruncy : Both.
6.Pencil or Pen : Both.
7.Wild night out or romantic night in : Romantic night in.
8.Money or Happiness : Happiness
9.Day or night : Night
10.IM or phone : Both
1. Been caught sneaking out - No, I never did sneak out.
2. Seen a polar bear - Yeah
3. Done something you regret - Yeah...
4. Bungee jumped - Nope, have been hoping to try though.
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Sweets only:)
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Er.. No.
7. Been caught naked - Stupid question.
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - I don't even have an ex...
9. Cried because you lost your pet - Yeah, my hamsters :D
10. Wanted to disappear - Sometimes...
1. Smile or eyes - Both.
2. Light or dark hair - Both.
3. Hugs or kisses - Both.
4. Shorter or taller - Taller than me.
5. Intelligence or attraction - Both.
6. Topman or Zara - Meaning pls?!
7. Funny or serious - Both.
8. Older or younger - Same or 1 or 2 years older.
9. Outgoing or quiet - Outgoing!!
10. Sweet or bad - Sweet
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yeah, I crave to perform!
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Yupp:D
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - Yupp:D
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope.
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - No, unfortunately...
6. Ever been on a dance team - Yeah, DUH! I crave for dance too!
7. Ever been on a sports team - Yeah.
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Yupp:)
9. Escalade, Hummer or Bently - I wish.
10. Ever been on a rap video - No.
1. Last phone call you made - My mom... LOL
2. Last person you hugged - Bramina.
3. Last person you hung out with - Sabrina
4. Last time you worked - Erm.....
5. Last person you talked to - Tiara
6. Last person you IM'd - Cherin
7. Last person you texted - Someone... MYself? lol... Joyce, u should know this...
8.Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Sera and Reena
9. Last person/thing you missed - Clique!, R2, SOTA, IJ(OLQP), Sera, Reena, Bramina, Sabrina:)
10. Last website visited - My blog, DUH!
Natalie Tan & Koh, Marissa, Joyce, Amanda, Sera and errrrrrr... anyone else?

woo-hoo! I love these type of quizzes!!!!!


.Wednesday, March 18, 2009 ' 10:21 PM Y

Hey! Sry I haven't been been touching my blog for a long time... How's school? Hope you are enjoying it!!! I haven't been blogging for more than one month!!! OMG!!! haha... So... yupp... Hopefully we can have a gathering soon... (Sera, this is ur queue to start one...lol) During the hols... TTLY!!! Have to do hw.... 5 of em' to complete... COmpleted 4 left 1... Finish today, can relax tmr... Cya ppl!!!!! Love ya!!!

.Friday, February 13, 2009 ' 2:16 AM Y

Sota rocks! Woo-hoo! I'm so fortunate to be in SOTA! So many good friends and cool teachers! You guys rock! Stacks of FA assignments are starting to come... Argh... AT least most of it are group works.. So not so bad. Anyways, Go and audition 4 SOTA! It rocks like a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.Thursday, January 22, 2009 ' 10:26 PM Y

Hi! How's your school everyone? Enjoying yourselves? I hope so! Because I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! School ends late for me everyday but still it's fun and enjoyable.Tag please!!! See ya!

.Wednesday, December 17, 2008 ' 10:30 PM Y

Hey peeps! I'm back form japan and i have a lot of stories to tell. But I can't type it all out so I will use pictures!

On our way to Kobe from Osaka:

Erica in a ride at a supermarket at Kobe:

The apartment we are living in Kobe:

Eating lunch at Chinatown of japan:

Day 2, Hiroshima:

Went back to Kobe at night of the 2nd Day.
Day 3, Kobe:
We are at the Kobe port waiting for the ferry to bring us to The outlet in Osaka. There, we shopped till night and there are very few pictures.

Day 4, We went up the mountain of Mt. Rokko to ski:)

Day 5, have anyone heard of Kobe Beef? If you have not time to knock your head! It is theeeeeee most delicious beef! We ate it for lunch!

More to come..... More to come....

.Saturday, December 6, 2008 ' 1:39 AM Y

Hey people! Today is Saturday. And guess what? YES! I'm leaving for Japan Tomorrow!!!!!!! Hip, hip, hooray! While I'm blogging here,(my cousin's stupid keyboard needs light to be seen. The light was off just now an my other cousin and my sister keeps laughing because I kept typing the wrong letters. They are now laughing hysterically), my crazy cousin and sister keeps laughing at me! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHs! LOLs! That's all for now! I will be blogging again tomorrow. Hopefully, I can blog while I'm at Japan! Ciao for now!

.Monday, December 1, 2008 ' 6:45 PM Y

Hey people! How is it going choosing your schools? Having dilemma? Anyway, good luck! ANyone going holiday? I'm going Japan(Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto)... Woo-hoo! I'm leaving on the 7th december, same day as Vanessa. Anyway, I wanna give an early birthday shout-out to Vanessa! Happy Birthday! Remember the Clique movie I was talking about? Well, turns out that the same website has Twilight as well! I wanna watch but my sis is afraid so I watched it on computer! WOW!

.Monday, October 27, 2008 ' 5:25 PM Y

Today, I went to SDT for English National Ballet School Masterclass. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun! I had loads of fun. Anyway, I went to watch HSM 3 with Sera and reena on Friday. Together with my sister and mother too! It was really wonderful! Time to go! Must keep today's blog short! Need to practice my grad item! See ya!

.Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ' 8:17 PM Y

Here's a poem for all IJ OLQP students out there!

Excitement and fear filled our hearts.

Soon a new year will start.

Six years have almost past.

But our friendship will last.

We’ve been through it all.

And realise who true friends are.

The one that was there.

When no one seemed to care.

As our year is coming to an end,

I would like to say thanks for being my true friend.

All friends from CHIJ OLQP,

We must keep in touch forever!

This is Valerine for Dance-y Couture!


Name: Valerine
School: School of the Arts, SOTA
Email: valerine@soh.net
My special day: 23rd April
Horoscope: Taurus


♥ Be a professional dancer
♥ Good results ♥ More class outings ♥ Loads of fun in SOTA(I already am)



Brushes:Adobe Photoshop, x x
Leave the credits alone, thanks :D